GGOS WG on GEO Relations:

GEO Committees and Working Groups:

GGOS Working Group on GEO Relations


The GGOS WG on GEO Relations is the main formal link between GGOS and GEO. Ex-officio Members of the WG are the IAG representatives to the various GEO Committees. In addition, other experts are invited as members as needed. The present membership is compiled in the membership list. Interested experts who would like to contribute to the WG should contact the Chair, Hans-Peter Plag. The charter of the WG was endorsed by the GGOS Steering Committee during the thirteenth meeting in March 2008.

Here we mainly address issues relevant for several GGOS representatives as well as GGOS Steering Committee members.

Current Activities:

  • Review of the 2009-2011 Work Plan:
    • Official review: The GEO Member Countries and Participating Organizations are asked to provide offical comments on the Work Plan by August 20, 2009 (see the letter). The revison 1.2 of the Work Plan is available as pdf.

      All WG members are asked to provide comments on the Revision 1.2 of the Work Plan to Hans-Peter Plag by August 12, 2009.

    • Technical review: All Member Countries and Participating Organizations were asked to comment on the Work Plan 2009-2011. Input was requested by 8 July 2009. Relevant documents were:

      • Letter from the Director of the GEO Secretariat (pdf)
      • GEO WP 2009-2011 Rev 1.1 (pdf)

      In response to this call, IAG/GGOS submitted several comments and suggested a new sub-task (see doc). GGOS was contacted by the GEO Secretariat with a request to clarify the difference between DA-09-02c and the new proposed sub-task. Hans-Peter Plag responded to this and explained the differences. The GEO Secretariat responded that they would include the new sub-task. However, revision 1.2 of the WP does not include the proposed sub-task.

  • Position paper on geodesy's contribution to the GEO Work Plan: The Working Group is currently reviewing the GEO Work Plan 2009-2011 with the goal to identify potential contributions of the geodetic community to this Work Plan. The result of the review will be compiled in a position paper to be presented to the GGOS Steering Committee.
  • Post-GEO-V requests: In following up recommendations of the GEO-V Plenary with respect to the 2009-2011 Work Plan and the Strategic Targets, the Direct of the GEO Secretariat has send a letter to the GEO Principals asking for comments on two documents, namely the 2009-2011 Work Plan and the Strategic Targets. Comments on the Work Plan appear to be restricted to comments actually made during the Plenary. The invitation to comment on the Strategic Targets appears to be more general and these comments have to be submitted by 31 January 2009. All WG members are invited to comment on the targets and send their comments to the WG Chair.

Last edited 02 December 2016